NEXO M10 system package
14x Nexo GeoM1012
2x Nexo GeoM1025
2x Case for 8xM10
4x NXAMP4x4 mk1 each with dante card in 2 separate shockmount racks
4x VNT BUMP-M10 – Heavy Bumper
2x extensionbar for VNT BUMP-M10
2x GMT LBUMP-M10 – Lightweight Bumper
2x extensionbar for VNT LBUMP-M10
2x VNT-MNSTKM10 – Stacking accessory for Geo M10 on top of MSUB15
4x Nexo MSUB15 – flyable subwoofer
4x Nexo RS18 – with wheelboards
1x case with 2x Teqsas Lapteq Clinometer and 1x Reader
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