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Price: 1 400,00 € netto excl.21% tax
          1 694,00 € brutto incl. 21% tax
Per Piece basis for negotiation
Count Available 3
Created On: 17.03.2025 09:14

LSC - GenVI Dimmer GEN12/10S - Schuko
GenVI Rackmount Dimmer/Distribution 12Ch x 10A - RCBO, 19" 3RU, EU Schuko output, 6mmsq tail (no plug)

Responding to the changing demands of the marketplace, LSC introduced GenVI Advanced Dimming and Power Distribution System. The GenVI represents the sixth generation of dimmers designed by LSC over our almost 40-year history. It was developed from our extensive experience and knowledge of today's complex lighting and power-control requirements.

Equally at home in the lighting, sound and video markets the GenVI Advanced Dimming System allows the user to configure any of its outputs in any combination, to be an 8-bit or 16-bit dimmer or a direct power relay channel (TruPower). This enables the GenVI to dim traditional lamps or power moving lights, LED fixtures, video screens or audio power amplifiers – in fact any situation where controlled power distribution is needed. It can also be permanently installed or remain portable.

The colour touchscreen offers the ability to set each channel individually, control the outputs locally and view any external fault conditions that may be present.

As well as having local and DMX control, GenVI is also RDM (Remote Device Management) enabled, allowing the user to change the DMX address of the unit and view any fault conditions including over-temperature and loss of phase or DMX signal from any RDM controller.

Each circuit on the GenVI is protected by an RCBO (combination MCB + 30mA RCD) rated at either 10A, 16A or 25A. Optional Neutral Disconnect MCBs can be provided where RCBOs are not desirable.

The GenVI Advanced Dimmer System offers a sophisticated rigger's control that can replay Scenes or Chases, each of which can be individually programmed in addition to a 'DMX loss' Scene that can be activated as an emergency backup on loss of a DMX signal. This emergency backup Scene can be programmed via the front-panel controls or via a snapshot of the DMX input signal.

TruPower dimmer and power distribution
RCBO circuit breaker per channel
Auto Power Mode – switches relay channels on when DMX is applied and off when DMX is no longer present
Dimmer channels can be 8-bit or 16-bit
RDM – Remote Device Management enabled
Operates on mains input voltages between 90V and 260V phase to Neutral
On-board Help screens
Visual alarms for Phase Fail, over-temperature and loss of DMX
PTFD (Pulse Transformer Fired Dimming)
Local rigger's control
Auto fan control (user defined)
Colour touchscreen with simple and intuitive navigation
GenVI is equally at home controlling any of the following loads:

Conventional filament lamps
Leading-edge dimmable LED globes
Moving lights
LED fixtures
Video walls
Audio systems
Special effects

For more information, please check our web shop:
Sales-All is importer/distributor of Light, Sound, Video, Rigging and Consumables. In addition to new products, we also have a wide range of Used Products.
Together with Fairlight and CLF Lighting, Sales-All is part of a business group that offers a total package to its clients.

In our Used Products department you will find light, sound, video, rigging, flightcases and communication systems. Our Used Products usually come from the rental market or from permanent installations. When the products enter our warehouse, they are carefully checked by our technical service department. We place them online with self-made product photo's. All our Used Products come with a 7 working days warranty. If you have any (product) questions, please request a quote or contact us!


Sales-All is an internationally oriented company.
We are always up to date on the latest international trends in professional light and sound.


Sales-All has its own technical service and offers fast and efficient repair and maintenance for your products.
Sales-All has a large stock and provides a rapid and professional delivery.


Sales-All BV
De Kazematten 19
6881CS Bemmel
The Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)88 77 00 900
Fax: +31 (0)88 77 00 911

Opening hours:
Monday through friday:
08:00 - 17:00
Saturday and Sunday: Closed


Office SalesAll
De Kazematten 19
NL NL, 6681 CS, Bemmel
Telefon: 0031887700900
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