In stock and selling for a customer:
Fully equipped Waves LV1 system.
For this price, you won’t find a better alternative:
- Lightweight: Easy to transport and set up solo
- Powerful DSP: Delivers outstanding processing capability
- Incredible Sound: The renowned quality of Waves plugins on a rock-solid platform, with ultra transparant preamps
- Reliable: Used for years in an operetta production with zero issues
- Well-Maintained & never rented out (attention: imperfection on top right corner of DELL touch screen)
Physical Inputs:
32 analog mic preamps on stage
8 analog mic preamps at FOH
4 stereo AES on stage
1 stereo AES at FOH
Physical Outputs:
16 analog on stage
4 AES on stage
8 analog @ FOH
Digital I/O & Connectivity:
64 MADI inputs via optional MGB SoundGrid-to-MADI converter
SoundGrid network allows direct connection of any laptop/computer for recording or playback with no extra hardware required
WRC Stage Router enables multi-source audio playback from any mobile device (click tracks, backing tracks, etc.)
Includes Smaart (DI) integration for real-time analysis within the LV1 environment
Included Hardware & Licenses:
1x LV1 64-Channel Software License (with full dynamic processing)
1x Smaart Dv2 & Trackt bundle
1x IOS-XL Extreme Server (8-in / 8-out + AES)
1x DIY I7 Server
1x Mele Silent PC for LV1 software
2x Netgear JGS 516 16-Port Switches
1x WRC-1 V2 WiFi Stage Router
3x Dell P2418HT 24 Touchscreens
1x Fit Controller
1x DSPRO StageGrid 4000
1x Flight case for SG4000 + router & patch
2x Peli 1637 Cases with custom Waves inlays for all hardware
Optional Add-On (not included!):
MGB MADI Converter available separately
This is a fully functional, turnkey Waves LV1 system, perfect for touring, broadcast, or fixed installations.
Used, traces of use & perfect working.
Order directly:
10.499 euro excl. Mwst Festpreis.
KinxSound befindet sich in Belgien, in der Nähe der deutschen Grenze.
Wir verschicken Weltweit.