DiGiCo Little Red Box
Tontechnik -> Mischpulte -> DiGiCo Little Red Box
500,00 € netto excl.21% tax
605,00 € brutto incl. 21% tax
Per Piece basis for negotiationErstellt:
14.03.2025 13:15Zustand:

DiGiCo’s Little Red Box allows users to share a DiGiCo D-Rack between 2 DiGiCo consoles that support our CAT5 rack connection.
The D-Rack only has a single CAT5 console connection, with no built-in way of sharing the rack. The Little Red Box, however, will allow you to plug in your D-Rack into both your main console and a secondary console. The main console controls all the gains, as well as outputs on the rack, whilst the secondary console acts as a ‘receive only’ module for the inputs. This rack sharing setup is perfect for operating a Front of House and Monitors configuration. DiGiCo’s Gain Tracking system can also be activated when required.
The handy SPLIT MADI switch allows you to decide if you want to split a D-Rack or one of DiGiCo’s MADI based racks. While the D-Rack CAT5 rack connection on a console is usually limited to 32 inputs and 16 outputs, the Little Red Box allows a full 56 I/O to be used when a MADI rack is connected; a great way of expanding the I/O capabilities of the CAT5 port on your SD9, SD11 or S-Series console.
The Little Red Box is powered via USB, with a second USB port acting as a ‘thru’, meaning there is no loss of available connections.
Remote Rental B.V
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