Allen & Heath dlive Set C2500/CDM32/DanteCard/IP8/ME1/Submulticore etc

Tontechnik -> Mischpulte -> Allen & Heath dlive Set C2500/CDM32/DanteCard/IP8/ME1/Submulticore etc


Price: 14 300,00 € netto excl.19% tax
          17 017,00 € brutto incl. 19% tax
Per Piece basis for negotiation
Erstellt: 04.03.2025 14:55


Ich verkaufe hier ein komplettes Set, bestehend aus:

Dlive c2500 Surface mit Dante-Card, 19" Player, Maus+Tastatur, im Proficase
Dlive CDM32 Stagebox, im Rack, mit Harting-Verkabelung für Submulticore
IP8 Controller mit Netzteil
ME1-PM-Controller mit Netzteil
12er Submulticore Klotz mit Harting
8er Submulticore Klotz mit Harting

Der Zustand der Geräte ist sehr gut, kein DryHire, nur selbst genutzt, sehr wenige Einsätze!

Infos laut Allen&heath Homepage:

12″ Touchscreen
20 Faders
19 Assignable SoftKeys
6 Assignable Rotaries
gigaACE link to MixRack
DX link for I/O expansion
I/O Port – 128ch 96kHz
2 Network ports
Wordclock BNC I/O
Video output
6 Mic/line inputs
6 Line outputs
1 Digital st AES3 input
1 Digital st AES3 output
19 Assignable SoftKeys
Integrated PSU

32 mic/line inputs
16 line outputs
1x I/O Port
C Class MixRacks
gigaACE link to Surface
2 DX links for I/O expansion
1 I/O Port – 128ch 96kHz
Dedicated ME-1 48kHz port
2 Network ports
Wordclock BNC I/O
Add up to 12 DX I/O expanders via DX Hub modules or DX Link cards
Add up to 2 dLive Surfaces
– 1 via integrated gigaACE socket
– 1 via optional gigaACE card
Integrated PSU

IP8 is a remote controller with 8 motorised faders designed for install and live sound applications.
The 8 motorised faders can be configured to control levels, sends and pans.
23 assignable SoftKeys deliver a comprehensive level of control for the user.
The IP8 ships with a 12V PSU and also supports PoE.

ME-1 is probably the most sophisticated personal monitor mixer on the market, giving precision control over up to 40 channels to satisfy the most demanding ears.

40 Sources
Control up to 16 stereo/mono inputs or groups with level and pan controls for each input.

OLED Screen
Dimmable high-quality screen shows names, levels, pan, meters and more.

16 User Presets
Levels, pan and mutes can all be stored and recalled at the touch of a button. Presets can be saved to USB and easily transferred to different ME-1s.
Sources can be grouped within the ME-1, so each performer can use different groups without consuming buses on the main console.

Versand auf Kosten des Käufers möglich, Abholung und Test vor Ort wäre mir jedoch lieber.


Frank Friedrich
Breslauer Straße
DE96106, Ebern