DiGiCo SD12-96 Set HMA Core2 + D2-Rack 48 24 + 8

Tontechnik -> Mischpulte -> DiGiCo SD12-96 Set HMA Core2 + D2-Rack 48 24 + 8


Price: 25 000,00 € netto excl.27% tax
          31 750,00 € brutto incl. 27% tax
Per Set basis for negotiation
Erstellt: 11.12.2024 12:30


I am selling a nicely used DiGiCo SD12-96 Set HMA Core2 + D2-Rack 48 24 + 8. Complete with below listing.

- SD12-96 (96 Channels) Core2 Surface
- HMA optical I/O inkl.
- DMI Madi-C
- original touring case
- D2-Rack i/o:48/16 +8 Analog out + 8 AES out
- original CAT 75m (vanDamme)
additional DMI-Cards available.

Contact me for purchase and more information such as photos.


Vivius Audio
Edward Jason
Rákóczi út
HU1074, Budapest
Telefon: +3618895405
E-Mail: jw6937914@gmail.com