ADTEC EDJE 1013 2 Stück Digital Network MPEG-2 SD Player

Videotechnik -> Medienserver -> ADTEC EDJE 1013 2 Stück Digital Network MPEG-2 SD Player


Price: 70,00 € brutto incl.19% tax
          58,82 € netto excl. 19% tax
Per Set basis for negotiation
Erstellt: 17.10.2024 15:16


ADTEC EDJE 1013 2 Stück Digital Network MPEG-2 SD Player
12 Stück sind da.
Es handelt sich um gebrauchte Geräte aus Vermietbestand.
Altersgemäßer Gebrauchtgerätezustand. Verkauft wird nur, was auf den Bildern zu sehen ist und im Text beschrieben wird.
Aus den zum Artikel gehörigen technischen Informationen des Herstellers haben wir folgende Daten entnommen:
• Broadcast quality Full D1 MPEG 2
• MP@ML decoding up to 15 Mega bits persecond
• Supports Constant and Variable bit rate encoding
• Supports MPEG 1, MPEG 2 Half-D1, MPEG 2
three-quarter-D1, and MPEG 2 Full-D1
• Built in hard drive storage
• MPEG File Encryption
• Built in hard drive storage
• File playback verifi cation
• Multiple-unit Synchronous playback (unlimited channels)
• Composite, YC video
• OSD with crawl banner
• Unbalanced analog audio
• Serial, Ethernet and Parallel control
• Robust API for developers
• TCP/IP Ethernet protocol
• FTP Server and Client (Concurrent)
• EMT (ADTEC high speed LAN Ethernet protocol)
• FCMP (ADTEC File Control Multicast Protocol
for Satellite based distribution)
• Secure IP Authentication (Built-in Firewall)
• LAN and WAN support
• Supports control data distribution via the Internet
• Front panel LED status
• Supports NTSC, PAL, PALN and PALM standards
• Time Clock with NTP support
• Support for Optibase UDP Ethernet IP MultiCast broadcast reception
• Symphony-Net application included
• Play list and Schedule (time based) support
• Compliant with most MPEG 2 program streams
• Compliant with most MPEG 1 system streams
• Plays elementary MPEG Audio streams
• Frame Indexing
• ADTEC embedded deterministic real time operating system
• NOT PC based
• External 12 VDC power supply
• Very small (4” x 1.75” x 8”)
• UL and CE certifi ed DC power supply
(*) Please note the required encoding parameters
under the specifi cations and check our web site for
updated fi le support.
All features subject to change without written
Decoding Standards
MPEG 1 ISO/IEC 11172
Decoding Data Rates
MPEG 2 1 to 15 Mbits/s
MPEG 1 400 Kbits/s to 5 Mbits/s
Decoded Streams
MPEG 2 Program (CBR or VBR) or System
MPEG 1 System
Audio elementary requires special fi rmware
Pictures Structure
I, IP, IBP, GOP from 1 to 15
Video Resolution NTSC
Horizontal: 720, 704, 640, 480, 352
Vertical: 480, 240
Color Frequency: 3,579,545 Hz
Video Resolution PAL
Horizontal: 720, 704, 640, 480, 352
Vertical: 576, 288
Color Frequency: 4,433,618.75 Hz
Video Resolution PAL-M
Horizontal: 720, 704, 640, 480, 352
Vertical: 480, 240
Color Frequency: 3,575,611.49 Hz
Video Resolution PAL-N
Horizontal: 720, 704, 640, 480, 352
Vertical: 576, 288
Color Frequency: 3,582,056.25 Hz
Video Sampling 4:2:0
Audio Type and Sampling
MPEG Layer 1 and Layer 2
32, 44.1 KHz, 48 KHz
Mono, Dual Mono, Stereo or Joint Stereo
Audio Data Rates
MPEG Layer 1: 32 Kbits/s to 448 Kbits/s in 32K steps
MPEG Layer 2: 64, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224,
256, 320, 384 Kbits/s OSD
24 Bit color (rendered to 16 per line) Alpha blending
688 by 480 maximum resolution NTSC
688 by 576 maximum resolution PAL
Crawl banner with maximum of 50 by 7000
pixels with 3 dwell speeds and positions Platform
ADTEC Embedded system with:
Motorola Cold Fire 32 Bit RISC CPU
ADTEC Real Time Deterministic OS
10 Base T Ethernet
TCP/IP With FTP Server and Client
EMT (ADTEC Ethernet Protocol)
FCMP (Adtec satellite multicast)
Serial RS232 (Loop through)
Parallel (4 Bit, BCD)
One IDE drive host interface
Analog Video Outputs
Composite (1 BNC, 75 Ohm)
YC (4 Pin Din)
Analog Audio Outputs
Unbalanced Stereo (2 RCA, 56 K Ohm)
Physical and Operational
4” 1.75” 8” (WHD)
102 mm 44 mm 203 mm (WHD)
+12 Volt DC input Hz
24-Watts maximum power consumption
50/90 Degrees F, 30/70 RH
UL-CE Certifi ed DC power supp


Frank Evers
Genthiner Straße
DE10785, berlin
Telefon: 03026480294