Telos 100 Hybrid Telefon Broadcast Phone

Tontechnik -> sonstiges -> Telos 100 Hybrid Telefon Broadcast Phone


Price: 130,00 € netto excl.19% tax
          154,70 € brutto incl. 19% tax
Per Piece basis for negotiation
Erstellt: 15.06.2024 14:58


Telos 100 Hybrid Telefon Broadcast Phone
Es handelt sich um gebrauchte Geräte aus Vermietbestand.
Altersgemäßer Gebrauchtgerätezustand.
Verkauft wird nur, was auf den Bildern zu sehen ist und im Text beschrieben wird.
Aus den zum Artikel gehörigen technischen Informationen des Herstellers haben wir folgende Daten entnommen:

The Telos 100 Delta is able to extract receive (caller) audio from send (studio) audio on a standard telephone line to a more “pure” degree than previous units. This permits a full-duplex conversation in broadcast and teleconferencing applications. Advanced signal processing produces a very natural sounding two-way conversation, even with difficult phone lines. The unit features XLR audio inputs and outputs and phone line interface.panels designed to fit into popular models of broadcast audio consoles. A full-featured electronic phone is available for call screening.
· Controls up to ten telephone lines.
· Conferences two callers when used with two connected, external hybrids. ·
Multiple controllers can be connected for operation from several locations.
· Call screening options enhance flexibility.
· Serial communications port permits computer control and screening with Telos Assistant Producer .
· A complete telephone system including caller conferencing, program-on-hold, and auto-answer.
· Capable of interfacing with other electronic phone systems.


Frank Evers
Genthiner Straße
DE10785, berlin
Telefon: 03026480294