Esdlumen ESDLUMEN Wing Plus 1.9 Indoor
Videotechnik -> LED Wände -> Esdlumen ESDLUMEN Wing Plus 1.9 Indoor
170 000,00 € netto excl.23% tax
209 100,00 € brutto incl. 23% tax
Per Set basis for negotiationErstellt:
18.05.2024 10:42Zustand:

1.9 Used Order:
• 200 Cabinet 500x500 1.9 SMD1010 / A8s Receiver card / All Screen Calibrated (Nationstar lamp, Hight configuration for filming)
• 28 Empty Cabinet 500x500 ( Incluind receiver card, power suplly, connectors signal and power and hub card)
• 20 Cabinet 90º Degrees
• 16 Hanging Bar
Spears Parts:
- 18 000pcs led SMD1010 Nationstar
- 500pcs IC
- 6pcs Hub card for normal cabinet
- 6pcs Hub card for 90 degrees cabinet
- 48 pcs Led Module Spears Parts
- 8pcs Power Suplly
- 4pcs Receiver Card Novastar A8s
Cables -
220 Cables Power 0.50m
220 Cables Signal Rj45 0.50m
-- Flight case Optional
25 Flightcase – Cabinet (200 Cabinet)
05 Flightcase - 90º Degrees Cabinet
04 Carton case (28 empty cabinet)
Can travel to check equipment
Rafael Castanheira
Zona Industrial, Coimbra
PT3000-000, Coimbra
Telefon: 925727249