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Price: 29 500,00 € netto excl.21% tax
          35 695,00 € brutto incl. 21% tax
Per Piece basis for negotiation
Created On: 03.03.2025 00:39

The XJ100x9.3B mobilized the best in optical, mechanical, and digital technologies to implement a long zoom lens that is remarkable for its relatively modest size and weight. It is a design directly responding to the expressed aesthetic desires of the world's most creative HD producers and directors - in terms of optical sensitivity, very long telephoto capability, and startling HDTV image quality. The XJ100x9.3B utilizes an exceptional built-in image stabilization system to support such triple digit zoom operations.

Antonio Prieto
Serrano 5to Dch 9
ES ES, 38004, Santa cruz de Tenerife
Telefon: +3492235433
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